5 Airport Tips for Smart Holiday Travel – Sherpani Skip to content

Home for the Holidays? 5 Airport Hacks to Keep in Mind

The holiday season is in full swing! With it, comes the chaos of holiday travel, but it doesn't have to be that way. If your plans for the coming weekends...

The holiday season is in full swing! With it, comes the chaos of holiday travel, but it doesn't have to be that way. If your plans for the coming weekends include packing bags, catching flights, and navigating high-traffic airports, we want to help!

While we can't make promises about the stress levels of your holiday celebrations, we can provide some relief for the act of getting there. The following tips range from airport basics to creative travel hacks. We would love to hear from seasoned travelers in the comments section, and keep the airport hacks rolling.

Without further ado, some Sherpani travel tips! Here are five ways to make your airport experience a little easier this holiday season.

Number One: The early bird gets the Thanksgiving turkey.

Naturally, the holiday season is one of the busiest times of year for air travel, so it's a good idea to pad your schedule with a bit of extra time. The rule of thumb is to arrive at the airport two hours before your scheduled domestic departure (three hours for international flights). We suggest you add thirty minutes to an hour during holiday travel, depending on the size of your airport.

Missing a flight during the holiday season is a common occurrence because of the high volume of traffic. Due to the nature of the holidays, these are also some of the most devastating flights to miss. Long lines and big crowds become much less stressful when you have appropriate time to navigate them. Prioritize your punctuality for your best chance of a stress-free travel experience.

Number Two: Repack your personal item after security.

At Sherpani, we believe a traveler's best friend is her personal item bag. We design travel bags that serve women better, but part of a bag's functionality depends on how you use it.

Smart packing for travel involves knowing what you'll need when. When you originally pack for the airport, having easy access to the items you'll need to remove for security is key. Store tech and liquid toiletries in easy reach within your personal item bag. It's a nightmare to have to open your carry-on luggage during security.

After you've made your way through TSA, we suggest you take a beat to reorganize. It's now time to prioritize your in-flight essentials, which probably aren't your TSA-compliant liquids. Make sure you have access to the things meant to keep you entertained and comfortable on the plane: extra layers, sleep mask, headphones, e-reader, snacks, etc.

If your traveling with little ones, repeat the process for them. It's well worth taking a few extra minutes to make sure everyone is flight-ready. Don't forget to stay hydrated when you fly! This is also the time to find a water station and fill your reusable water bottle for use on the plane.

Number Three: Don't be late to the gate.

This airport hack is especially helpful for anxious travelers and type-A personalities. If you're one of those travelers who likes to get eyes on the gate right away, we understand. However, it's all too common to have time to spare after locating your gate. While there are many ways to kill time at an airport (a whole other blog post), we have a tip for staying on schedule.

From your gate, start the stopwatch on your phone. Then, wander to a place in the airport where you'd like to spend your downtime. Pause the stopwatch once you're settled. It now tells you exactly how long it will take to get back to your gate! Knowing that you're seven minutes away from your plane will help you lean into your leisure time, and you can confidently head back seven minutes before boarding begins.

Number Four: Level up your travel—literally.

Airports are bound to be crowded during the holiday season. The closest bar is packed, people are camped out in every seat by the gate, and there's a mile-long line for the cafe. So, where can you go when you're killing time before your flight?

We have a hack that will usually cut the crowd in half. Find an escalator and go up a floor! Of course, every airport is unique, but in general, putting a floor between yourself and your gate means a level of separation from the most crowded areas. Fewer people mean there's a better chance you can claim a cozy corner or barstool for your own. Other perks include less noise, more available staff, and cleaner bathrooms.

A little effort can have a big payout when it comes to getting away from a crowd. While airports are no exception, this is a relevant reminder for travel in general.

Number Five: Pick up at the drop-off.

If you're traveling to meet family, you might have someone picking you up from the airport at your destination. Here's a tip for faster, easier airport collection: tell your ride to meet you at the departures area rather than the official passenger pick-up.

Passenger pick-up is typically a high-traffic area where people wait on curbs and cars idle along trying to connect with their respective travelers. In the departures area, however, things move a lot quicker. Think of this hack as leaving the grocery store through the door that says "entrance only." It's slightly rebellious… but seriously efficient.

Bonus Reminder: Kindness is free.

We would like to leave you with a friendly reminder that it costs nothing to be kind as you make your way around the country (or world) this holiday season. Airport employees and flight crews often work overtime this time of year. Keep in mind that the employees you encounter are sacrificing time with their own family to ensure you make it home to yours. This goes for your TSA representative, your flight attendant, your barista, and beyond.

In return, you can offer them acts of kindness. A little patience, compassion, and gratitude goes a long way. 'Tis the season, after all.

Wishing you safe, hassle-free travels this holiday season!


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